COSMIC DISCO: Natani Notah, John Opera, Sara Greenberger Rafferty, Kazuhito Tanaka, and Pedro Vaz: Mrs., Queens, NY

DOCUMENT and Mrs. are pleased to announce Cosmic Disco, a collaborative exhibition project featuring works by Natani Notah, John Opera, Sara Greenberger Rafferty, Kazuhito Tanaka, and Pedro Vaz, opening July 11, 2024.

Cosmic Disco

The rocking-with-wind trees
the waltzing-with-moon ocean –
Everything in purposeful motion
like the lifting lark
or the swirls of Saturn

Even the far away stars
explode on
the dance-floor of infinity –
and regrouping
into new constellations.
O see them under
the shifting disco
of the inter-galactic lights –

The gravitational boys
in their shimmering shirts.
The orbiting girls
in their luminous glad-rags –
within magnetic reach of their rotating handbags.

— Grace Nichols


DOCUMENT and Mrs. are pleased to announce Cosmic Disco, a collaborative exhibition project featuring works by Natani Notah, John Opera, Sara Greenberger Rafferty, Kazuhito Tanaka, and Pedro Vaz, opening July 11, 2024.

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