Pink Tights I, 2017
Acrylic polymer and inkjet print on acetate mounted to Plexiglas
29 x 23 inches (73.7 x 58.4 cm)
Various photo studio flatlays of pink stockings on a creamy surface, displayed in three offset columns against a screen-bright background that is mostly overlain with dense black. In the left...
Various photo studio flatlays of pink stockings on a creamy surface, displayed in three offset columns against a screen-bright background that is mostly overlain with dense black. In the left column of four images, the stockings are striped with white, while in the remaining columns they are solid pink. Most of the prints are mottled by black, like weathered film stock, and each bears the computer symbol of a white checkmark inside a bright green circle at its lower right corner. The full gridded field is framed in black and hung on white wall.